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I'm Valerie Gysberts


I'm Val, a Functional and Nutritional Medicine Practitioner based in Albert Park, Melbourne with over 15 years of experience studying health and nutritional medicine.


I work with patients who have gone through the conventional medical system without seeing improvements and often are put on medications that are supposed to improve their health, yet are making them sicker.

My focus is to get a detailed understanding of your medical history, medications, when your health issues began, reviewing your blood tests and examining all your symptoms to uncover the root cause of your illness.


Funtional Medicine is more than just looking at the cause but looking at all the of the contributing factors that have brought you to a state of ill-health that conventional medicine models just don't have the time to do.

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Here's how we can work together

I am an experienced and qualified Nutritional Therapist and focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of disease and imbalances within your body to get to the root cause of your symptoms.

My approach encompasses the integration of conventional medicine with functional medicine, including thorough nutritional evaluations, lifestyle modifications, targeted supplementation, as well as comprehensive testing.


choose  progress over perfection



From the Blog

“I am feeling so much better since seeing Val, for the first time in 4.5 years I have been able to come off my anti-anxiety medication. If only there were more people like Val."

Carolyn, Melbourne

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